SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Grove Academy is committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress of all our pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) with the following objectives:
- To promote effective partnerships and involve outside agencies when appropriate
- To identify students with SEND and ensure their needs are met through a broad and balanced curriculum
- To ensure that students with SEND are offered the opportunity to join in with all Academy activities
- To ensure that students with SEND achieve exceptionally well
- To ensure parents/carers are informed of their children’s special needs and how these needs will be met through effective communication between parents/carers
- To ensure that SEND students express their views and are fully involved in decisions which affect their education
- To prepare students with SEND for their next stage of education, training or employment at each stage of their learning
- To ensure that students with SEND have access through reasonable adjustments, to a wide, rich set of experiences and opportunities to develop their talents and interests
- To ensure support for pupils with medical conditions full inclusion in all school activities by ensuring consultation with health and social care professionals
For further information, please contact our SENCO: Louise Payne via
For Slough's local offer please use the following link
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SEND FAQ for Parents Jan |