Info for Parents

 Dear Parents & Carers,

We are delighted to be welcoming your child to Grove Academy and we look forward to working in close partnership with you over the coming years.

School starts at 8:30am and the gates will open at 8:15am.

Once the children arrive, they will go to the hall and be allocated to their form tutor, I will email you with this information by the end of their first day.

Due to the children not being on our lunch system until after they start, we ask all parents to please provide a healthy pack lunch with no fizzy drinks, sweets or nuts for the first day.

If your child is eligible for free school meals, please apply via this link -

If your child has any regular medication that they will need to take during the school day or medication that they may need at school e.g inhaler, epi-pen then you will need to bring in the medication and complete the appropriate forms.

Please note if you have not yet submitted your child’s admission form that was sent to you via email or/and letter, then you child will not be able to start on 6th September.

If you have any questions or specific concerns that you would like to discuss, please get in touch on 01753 517359.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Wood

Admissions Officer

If you would like to express a concern or share some information about your child, please first liaise directly with your child's class teacher who will be able to deal with most issues immediately and decide if matters need to be escalated and to whom. 

If you require further support or have a query, email stating who you wish to contact and why. 

For information on how we support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, (SEND), see here.

To report a concern or for support or information around safeguarding, see here

For information about Slough Borough Councils Free Buss Pass Scheme, see here

For student platforms and logins, see here