Secondary Curriculum Years 7-11


At Grove Academy, we believe that every child should feel welcome, successful and included. We have high ambition for all, and are committed to the success of every child.


Curriculum Intent

At Grove we have designed a curriculum which is broad and balanced to meet the needs of our students. Our curriculum is based on two foundation principles – inclusion and aspiration. This curriculum, from EYFS to Year 11 is underpinned by what we believe our school community needs to be successful: The Grove 5.

  • Relentless Readers
  • Knowledge Retrievers
  • Critical Connectors
  • Quality Talkers
  • Active Learners

Our aim is to give a voice and a platform to all of our students; to put the ladder down to the students’ starting points and move them to where they need to be to succeed and flourish in their school lives and beyond.

Our curriculum is designed to develop Active Citizens, Future Leaders.

Our rich and balanced curriculum offer provides opportunities to study a core academic suite of subjects as well as developing creativity and expression through practical subjects and the expressive arts.

Our curriculum provision is central to achieving the Academy’s vision and mission statement. It enables all students to experience self-worth, success and achieve their full potential, in becoming thoughtful, confident, and responsible citizens that make a valuable contribution to society.

Grove Academy is fully comprehensive in every sense of its meaning. We pride ourselves on our diverse intake. This allows us to provide a true service to the local community, developing a strong core academic offer.

Assessment is also central to our curriculum.  Teachers regularly check students’ work and understanding, identify misconceptions and gaps in learning and provide effective feedback (the next steps the students’ need to take in their learning).

We recognise that students require a broad and balanced education, enjoying the artistic, cultural, and practical opportunities that lead to a fulfilling life.

Our curriculum is central to our student’s achieving success.

We analyse a wide variety of information that enables us to identify any potential barriers to learning within each key stage and through every transition, including those encountered during the primary transition process. We then build a deep and rich curriculum that enables our students to overcome such barriers. If our students can access their learning, it will help them to work with enjoyment, resilience, persevere and give them the belief that they can achieve their future ambitions.

The Implementation of Our Curriculum

Core subjects including English, and Maths are given prominence as these provide the essential skills for future progress.  However, the range of other subjects is suitably wide.  We offer experiences in four technologies: Resistant Materials; Graphics; Photography; Food Technology as well as Art; Music Drama, Business, PSHE and Physical Education.  German and Spanish are the main foreign languages, but some groups will also be introduced to new languages as part of their wider personal development. PSHE is deliver during tutor time covering Religious Studies and British Moral Values.

At Key Stage 4 we encourage students to study GCSE option routes with the EBACC the preferred suite of subjects to be studied. A small number of vocational courses are offered to ensure sufficient breadth in the curriculum for all learners is maintained. In our lessons you will typically see all pupils grappling with the same challenging content, with teachers providing additional support for pupils who need it. Rather than moving on to new content, our higher attainers will study that content in more depth and are expected to produce work linked to it of greater depth and flair.

At Grove there is a strong focus on the core subjects: English, Maths and Science which we believe are the pillars that support understanding, skills, and success elsewhere in the curriculum. We recognise that reading is the cornerstone of the curriculum. We offer Combined Sciences to all of our students.

We also provide enhanced provision for language learning, believing that the study of languages is extremely important in developing our students as citizens ready for the challenges of the global economy.

Students can make genuine choices as they enter Year 10, for their GCSE programmes of study. Art, Design, Drama, Music. Photography, Business Studies, German, Spanish and PE continue to be popular choices.

The curriculum in each subject is set out on the curriculum map.

Our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum

We ensure all our students are safe, happy, healthy and confident and able to appreciate the spiritual and moral aspects of life including an appreciation of the values of democracy, the rule of law, respect and equality for all - whatever their background or beliefs.

To find out more about our curriculum email us at 

KS3 Curriculum Allocation

Year 9 Options Booklet

KS4 Curriculum Allocation & Subject Options

GCSE Examining Bodies & Subject Codes

For further information regarding the curriculum please contact