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Ofsted Monitoring Inspection April 2023

Grove Academy were pleased to welcome a team of Ofsted Inspectors onsite for a monitoring visit in April 2023. Staff were proud to demonstrate the many areas of progress that the school has made during this time.

Here are some of the highlights from the observations of His Majesty’s Inspector Linda Culling and her team during their recent visit to Grove Academy.


"..relentless focus on behaviour management, as part of carefully planned continuing professional development, is supporting improvement."


"…clear expectations underpin pupils’ understanding of how to conduct themselves in lessons and during social times. As a result, lessons are calm and purposeful."


"Staff are highly visible and this helps pupils to behave well."


"Safeguarding is effective. The safeguarding team are very visible around the school and this helps pupils to feel safe."


See here to read the full report.