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Back to NewsProposal to change the length of the school day
Dear Stakeholders,
I am writing to inform you of a proposed change to the structure of the school day at Grove Academy in line with other SEBMAT settings. Leaders are proposing to adjust the timings of the school day on a Friday. Students will start school at the normal time but will end the school day as follows:
- The end of the school day on a Friday will be 2.30pm for students in Key Stage 3
- The end of the school day on a Friday will be 2.35pm for students in Key Stage 4
- The end of the school day on a Friday will be 2.40pm for students in EYFS/Key Stage 1
- The end of the school day on a Friday will be 2.50pm for students in Key Stage 2
The school day will remain as current from Monday to Thursday each week. Should the changes be agreed, the new system will begin from –
Monday 24th February 2025 for students in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4
Tuesday 22nd April 2025 for students in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
We hope that this will allow parents and carers sufficient time to make any adjustments to end of day collection. The school will still offer wrap around care at the current cost to primary students.
We believe that these changes will be beneficial to the school community and will have a positive effect on our children’s education. This time will be used by staff for collaborative precision planning to deliver high quality teaching and learning.
I appreciate that these changes may affect you in terms of childcare or working arrangements, and you may have questions related to your child’s education. For this reason, I would like to invite you to please share any feedback that you have by sending it to before midday on Thursday 13th February 2025.
We will share summary feedback on Friday 14th February 2025 via the school website.
Yours sincerely,
Natalie Wismayer