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Wonderful Feedback.

Earlier this month, we were visited by education professionals who are also Ofsted Inspectors to conduct a review of the whole school.

Following the visit, they were clear that the school had made progress in all areas since our monitoring inspection last year. This is testament to your work in partnership with our relentlessly dedicated staff, to drive up standards. Notably, our visitors commented -

‘Senior leaders have high expectations and are ambitious for all students. [They] have identified the right school priorities and could demonstrate progress towards each one throughout the visit. The school was calm and organised. Classrooms visited were tidy and purposeful. Respectful relationships and positive interactions were seen between students and staff. Students spoken to were interested in their learning, happy, smart and enjoy being at school. In observing them in lessons, they are focused and engaged in their learning. School has a real ‘wow’ factor of resources available to students and the environment is well respected.’

Thank you to all our staff, students and families for their tireless dedication and commitment to raising standards across all areas of the school.