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“Grove goes from strength to strength”.
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“Grove goes from strength to strength”.

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Dear Parents and Carers,

I am delighted to share our initial GCSE outcome headlines achieved by our Year 11 leavers. Grove continues to demonstrate strength and improvement in both progress and in achievement, delivering improved results year on year and placing us favourably amongst similar schools in the borough.

None of this could have been achieved without your support, the students’ hard work and the dedication of our Grove staff.

The headlines will be shared in full once finalised and published. Please see below for some key notable achievements:

  • Our Progress 8 score shows a continued improvement once again.
  • Core subjects held their strong performance.
  • Our Pupil Premium gap has significantly reduced.
  • 25% of students with who undertook the primary SATs tests made exceptional progress, achieving at least an average of one grade higher across subjects.

There were so many success stories to celebrate, including:

  • Umar, whose results included four grade 9’s, one grade 8 and one grade 7.
  • Farah, whose results included three grade 9’s, one grade 8 and five grade 7’s.
  • Hasandeep, with one grade 9, three grade 8’s and three grade 7’s.
  • Daniel, with two grade 8’s and five grade 7’s.
  • Syeda, with two grade 8’s and 3 grade 7’s.

Congratulations to everyone, we are so proud of you.

Best wishes

Ms Wismayer


GCSE Results 2024

2024 leaver feedback 1